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ROW CACHE LOCK等待事件是一个共享池相关的等待事件。是由于对于字典缓冲的访问造成的。
P1 – Cache Id
P2 – Mode Held
P3 – Mode Requested
mode 和REQUEST的取值:
KQRMNULL 0 null mode – not locked
KQRMS 3 share mode
KQRMX 5 exclusive mode
KQRMFAIL 10 fail to acquire instance lock
要注意的是单实例模式下和多实例模式下申请该锁调用的模块是不同的(kqrget()- 单实例,kqgigt()- 多实例)。
如果发现这个等待十分高,一般来说可能由于2种原因,一是共享池太小了,需要增加共享池,另外一种情况是SQL分析过于频繁,对于共享池的并发访问量过大。对于任何一种情况,绝大多数情况下加大共享池会有助于降低该等待,不过加大共享池的时候也要注意,并不一定所有的情况下增加共享池都会有明显的效果,特别是对于第二种情况,精确的分析十分重要。另外进一步分析,弄清楚哪些ROW CACHE的等待最为严重,有助于解决问题。
--查询row cache lock等待 select * from v$session_wait where wait_class = 'row cache lock'; --查询rowcache 名称 select * from v$rowcache where cache# = &p1;
Probably the most likely cause is the allocation of new extents. If extent sizes are set low then the application may constantly be requesting new extents and causing contention. Do you have objects with small extent sizes that are rapidly growing? (You may be able to spot these by looking for objects with large numbers of extents). Check the trace for insert/update activity, check the objects inserted into for number of extents.
Check for appropriate caching of sequences for the application requirements.
Deadlock and resulting “WAITED TOO LONG FOR A ROW CACHE ENQUEUE LOCK!” can occur if a session issues a GRANT to a user, and that user is in the process of logging on to the database.
This is likely to be down to segment allocation. Identify what the session holding the enqueue is doing and use errorstacks to diagnose.
This is due to rollback segment allocation. Just like dc_segments,identify what is holding the enqueue and also generate errorstacks. Remember that on a multi-node system (RAC) the holder may be on another node and so multiple systemstates from each node will be required.
This enqueue is related to control of the Automatic Workload Repository. As such any operation manipulating the repository may hold this so look for processes blocking these.