

在oracle数据库中可以通过logminer实现对归档日志的解析,从而分析执行sql语句和undo sql,可以实现某些情况下数据库一些操作的定位(比如日志突然增加,数据突然丢失)以及一些故障的恢复(比如需要把update/delete执行的数据找回)等。在PostgreSQL数据库中walminer可以实现该需求,对pg的预写式日志(wal)的解析,具体见官网:https://gitee.com/movead/XLogMiner/

[postgres@localhost tmp]$ ls -l walminer_x86_64_centos_v4.6.0.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 3866437 Apr 18 10:08 walminer_x86_64_centos_v4.6.0.tar.gz
[postgres@localhost tmp]$ tar xzvf walminer_x86_64_centos_v4.6.0.tar.gz 
[root@localhost ~]# mkdir -p /usr/local/walminer/
[root@localhost ~]# chown postgres:postgres  /usr/local/walminer/
[root@localhost ~]# cp /tmp/walminer/walminer.license /usr/local/walminer/
[postgres@localhost bin]$ cd /tmp/walminer
[postgres@localhost walminer]$ cp -rp * /usr/local/walminer/
[postgres@localhost bin]$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/walminer/
[postgres@localhost bin]$ cd /usr/local/walminer/bin
[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./walminer  help
walminer [command] [options]
    -D dic file for miner
    -a out detail info for catalog change
    -w wal file path to miner
    -t dest of miner result(1 stdout, 2 file, 3 db)(stdout default)
    -k boundary kind(1 all, 2 lsn, 3 time, 4 xid)(all default)
    -m miner mode(0 nomal miner, 1 accurate miner)(nomal default) if k=2
    -r the relname for single table miner 
    -s start location if k=2 or k=3, or xid if k = 4 
          if k=2 default the min lsn of input wals   
          if k=3 or k=4 you need input this
    -e end wal location if k=2 or k=3
          if k=2 default the max lsn of input wals   
          if k=3 you need input this
    -f file to store miner result if t = 2
    -d target database name if t=3(default postgres)
    -h target database host if t=3(default localhost)
    -p target database port if t=3(default 5432)
    -u target database user if t=3(default postgres)
    -W target user password if t=3
    -d target database name for connect(default postgres)
    -h target database host(default localhost)
    -p target database port(default 5432)
    -u target database user(default postgres)
    -W target user password
    -D dic produce path
    -f rewrite walminer dic if exists
    -s only database pointed by -d
    -D dic file to show
    -r avatar rel that new created
    -n avatared relfilenode
    -D avatared walminer dic path
    -b target database name which contain rel pointed by -r
#regress(not support for user)
    -w test database wal path(default postgres)
    -d test database name(default postgres)
    -h test database host(default localhost)
    -p test database port(default 5432)
    -u test database user(default postgres)
    -P apply database port 
    -W test user password
    -D dic file for miner
    -w wal file path to miner
    -t dest of miner result(1 stdout, 2 file, 3 db, 4 apply)(stdout default)
    -f file to store miner result if t = 2
    -l lsn it start fync
    -d target database name if t=3 or 4(default postgres)
    -h target database host if t=3 or 4(default localhost)
    -p target database port if t=3 or 4(default 5432)
    -u target database user if t=3 or 4(default postgres)
    -W target user password if t=3 or 4
    -c configure path
    -i to init a CDC configure
    -r to run a CDC configure
    Below is needed when -i
    -d source database name(default postgres)
    -h source database host(default localhost)
    -p source database port(default 5432)
    -u source database user(default postgres)
    -w source user password
    -D target database name
    -H target database host
    -P target database port
    -U target database user
    -W target user password
    -K target database type(1 postgres) (support postgres only currently)
    -s slot name need for CDC
    -D dic file for miner
    -w wal file path to dump
    -t dest of miner result(1 stdout, 2 file)(stdout default)
    -s start lsn to dump
    -e end lsn to dump
    -f file to store miner result if t = 2
    -v verbose

[postgres@localhost bin]$ 


[postgres@localhost ~]$ psql
psql (16.2)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# select now();
 2024-04-25 10:48:00.602067-04
(1 row)

postgres=# create table t_walminer(id int,name varchar(100));
postgres=# insert into t_walminer values(1,'www.xifenfei.com');
postgres=# insert into t_walminer values(2,'www.orasos.com');
postgres=# insert into t_walminer values(3,'xifenfei');
postgres=# select * from t_walminer;
 id |       name       
  1 | www.xifenfei.com
  2 | www.orasos.com
  3 | xifenfei
(3 rows)

postgres=# select now();
 2024-04-25 10:49:47.036881-04
(1 row)
postgres=# select pg_switch_wal();
(1 row)

walminer 生成字典

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./walminer builtdic -D /usr/local/walminer/xifenfei.dic
Walminer for PostgreSQL wal
Contact Author by mail 'lchch1990@sina.cn'
Persional License for posgress
sysid:7357852038421105818 timeline:1 dbversion:160002 walminer:4.6


[postgres@localhost bin]$  ./walminer wal2sql -D /usr/local/walminer/xifenfei.dic -w /pg/database/data/pg_arch \
 -k 3 -s 2024-04-24 -e 2024-04-26
Walminer for PostgreSQL wal
Contact Author by mail 'lchch1990@sina.cn'
Vip License for posgress
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/000000010000000000000001 on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.42721+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/000000010000000000000002 on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.45369+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/000000010000000000000003 on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.453891+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/000000010000000000000004 on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.486403+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/000000010000000000000005 on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.513144+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/000000010000000000000006 on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.538212+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/000000010000000000000007 on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.561455+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/000000010000000000000008 on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.584488+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/000000010000000000000009 on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.606598+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/00000001000000000000000A on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.609195+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/00000001000000000000000B on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.609344+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/00000001000000000000000C on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.609364+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/00000001000000000000000D on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.66233+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/00000001000000000000000E on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.684666+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/00000001000000000000000F on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.684877+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/000000010000000000000001 on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.684899+08
Get start lsn 0/d4eb380 for time range
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/00000001000000000000000D on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.694947+08
[XID]=425507, [TOPXID]=0
[SQL]=INSERT INTO public.t_walminer(id ,name) VALUES(1 ,'www.xifenfei.com')
[UNDO]=DELETE FROM public.t_walminer WHERE id=1 AND name='www.xifenfei.com'
[COMMITTIME]=2024-04-25 22:48:55.775279+08
[XID]=425508, [TOPXID]=0
[SQL]=INSERT INTO public.t_walminer(id ,name) VALUES(2 ,'www.orasos.com')
[UNDO]=DELETE FROM public.t_walminer WHERE id=2 AND name='www.orasos.com'
[COMMITTIME]=2024-04-25 22:49:10.769752+08
[XID]=425509, [TOPXID]=0
[SQL]=INSERT INTO public.t_walminer(id ,name) VALUES(3 ,'xifenfei')
[UNDO]=DELETE FROM public.t_walminer WHERE id=3 AND name='xifenfei'
[COMMITTIME]=2024-04-25 22:49:23.382642+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/00000001000000000000000E on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.696041+08
Switch wal to /pg/database/data/pg_arch/00000001000000000000000F on time 2024-04-25 23:27:07.696062+08
[postgres@localhost bin]$ 


发表在 PostgreSQL恢复 | 标签为 , , | 留下评论

Oracle 19c/21c最新patch信息-202404
 Description  Database Update  GI Update  Windows Bundle Patch
  APR2024 ( 36352352  36352207  36219877
  JAN2024 ( 36041222  36031790  35962857
  OCT2023 ( 35740258  35738010  35681617
  JUL2023  ( 35428978  35427907  35347974
  APR2023 ( 35134934  35132566  35046488
  JAN2023 ( 34839741  34838415  34750812
  Oct2022 ( 34527084  34526142  34468137
  JUL2022 ( 34160444  34155589  34110698
  APR2022 ( 33843745  33859395  33829143
  JAN2022 ( 33516412  33531909  33589769
 OCT2021 ( 33239276  33250101  NA
 Description  Database Update  GI Update  Windows Bundle Patch
 APR2024 ( 36233263  36233126  36219938
 JAN2024 ( 35943157  35940989  35962832
 OCT2023 ( 35643107  35642822  35681552
 JUL2023 ( 35320081  35319490  35348034
 APR2023 ( 35042068  35037840  35046439
 JAN2023 ( 34765931  34762026  34750795
 Oct2022 ( 34419443  34416665  34468114
 JUL2022 ( 34133642  34130714  34110685
 APR2022 ( 33806152  33803476  33829175
 JAN2022 ( 33515361  33509923  33575656
 OCT2021( 33192793  33182768  33155330
 JUL2021 ( 32904851  32895426  32832237
 APR2021 ( 32545013  32545008  32409154
 JAN2021 ( 32218454  32226239  32062765
 OCT2020 ( 31771877  31750108  31719903
 JUL2020  ( 31281355  31305339  31247621
 APR2020 ( 30869156  30899722  30901317
 JAN2020 ( 30557433  30501910  30445947
 OCT2019 ( 30125133  30116789  30151705
 JUL2019 ( 29834717  29708769   NA
 APR2019 ( 29517242  29517302   NA
 Description  OJVM Update  OJVM + DB Update  OJVM + GI Update
 APR2024 (  36199232  36209492  36209493
 JAN2024 (  35926646  36031426  36031453
 OCT2023 (  35648110  35742413  35742441
 JUL2023 (  35354406  35370174  35370167
 APR2023 (  35050341  35058163  35058172
 JAN2023 (  34786990  34773489  34773504
 OCT2022 (  34411846  34449114  34449117
 JUL2022 (  34086870  34160831  34160854
 APR2022 (  33808367  33859194  33859214
 JAN2022 (  33561310  33567270  33567274
 OCT2021 (  33192694  33248420  33248471
 JUL2021 (  32876380  32900021  32900083
 APR2021 (  32399816  32578972  32578973
 JAN2021 (  32067171  32126828  32126842
 OCT2020 (  31668882  31720396  31720429
 JUL2020 (  31219897  31326362  31326369
 APR2020 (  30805684  30783543  30783556
 JAN2020 (  30484981  30463595  30463609
 OCT2019 (  30128191  30133124  30133178
 JUL2019 (  29774421  29699079  29699097
 APR2019 (  29548437  29621253  29621299

参考:Assistant: Download Reference for Oracle Database/GI Update, Revision, PSU, SPU(CPU), Bundle Patches, Patchsets and Base Releases (Doc ID 2118136.2)

发表在 Oracle安装升级 | 标签为 , , | 留下评论


1. 需要人工一个个枚举各个列类型无法实现批量恢复,参考以前写的PostgreSQL恢复系列:pg_filedump基本使用
2. 特别是在pg库无法正常运行的情况下,如果没有业务提供表创建语句,恢复基本上无法正常进行.


postgres=# \d
             List of relations
 Schema |      Name      | Type  |  Owner   
 public | t_tbs          | table | postgres
 public | t_xff          | table | postgres
 public | t_xff2         | table | postgres
 public | t_xff3         | table | postgres
 public | t_xff4         | table | postgres
 public | t_xifenfei     | table | postgres
 public | tab_attribute  | table | postgres
 public | tab_class      | table | postgres
 public | tab_database   | table | postgres
 public | tab_namespace  | table | postgres
 public | tab_tablespace | table | postgres
 public | tab_type       | table | postgres
(12 rows)

postgres=# select * from tab_database;
  oid  |   datname   | datdba | encoding | datcollate  |  datctype   | datistemplate | datallowconn | datconnlimit | datlastsysoi
d | datfrozenxid | datminmxid | dattablespace 
 14187 | postgres    |     10 |        6 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | f             | t            |           -1 |         1418
6 |          479 |          1 |          1663
 16403 | db_xff      |     10 |        6 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | f             | t            |           -1 |         1418
6 |          479 |          1 |          1663
     1 | template1   |     10 |        6 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | t             | t            |           -1 |         1418
6 |          479 |          1 |          1663
 14186 | template0   |     10 |        6 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | t             | f            |           -1 |         1418
6 |          479 |          1 |          1663
 16407 | db_xifenfei |  16405 |        6 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | f             | t            |           -1 |         1418
6 |          479 |          1 |         16406
(5 rows)
postgres=# select count(1) from tab_class;
(1 row)

postgres=# select *from pg_tablespace;
  oid  |   spcname    | spcowner | spcacl | spcoptions 
  1663 | pg_default   |       10 |        | 
  1664 | pg_global    |       10 |        | 
 16406 | tbs_xifenfei |    16405 |        | 
(3 rows)


[root@xifenfei tmp]# ./pg_filedump_batch recover --database-oid=14187  \
 --output-directory=/data/recovery --pgdata=/var/lib/pgsql/12/data
Recover tables in database with oid: 14187
LOG: starting to process table tab_attribute
LOG: starting to process table tab_class
LOG: starting to process table tab_database
LOG: starting to process table tab_namespace
LOG: starting to process table tab_tablespace
LOG: starting to process table tab_type
LOG: starting to process table t_tbs
LOG: starting to process table t_xff
LOG: starting to process table t_xff2
LOG: starting to process table t_xff3
LOG: starting to process table t_xff4
LOG: starting to process table t_xifenfei
Check dumps in /data/recovery


[root@xifenfei tmp]# cd /data/recovery/
[root@xifenfei recovery]# ls -ltr
total 156
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 82797 Apr 18 20:35 recovered-14187-tab_attribute.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 31129 Apr 18 20:35 recovered-14187-tab_class.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   343 Apr 18 20:35 recovered-14187-tab_database.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   118 Apr 18 20:35 recovered-14187-tab_namespace.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    50 Apr 18 20:35 recovered-14187-tab_tablespace.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  7907 Apr 18 20:35 recovered-14187-tab_type.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     0 Apr 18 20:35 recovered-14187-t_tbs.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    38 Apr 18 20:35 recovered-14187-t_xff.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    38 Apr 18 20:35 recovered-14187-t_xff2.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    38 Apr 18 20:35 recovered-14187-t_xff3.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    38 Apr 18 20:35 recovered-14187-t_xff4.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    38 Apr 18 20:35 recovered-14187-t_xifenfei.csv
[root@xifenfei recovery]# cat recovered-14187-tab_database.csv
14187   postgres        10      6       en_US.UTF-8     en_US.UTF-8     f       t       -1      14186   479     1       1663
16403   db_xff  10      6       en_US.UTF-8     en_US.UTF-8     f       t       -1      14186   479     1       1663
1       template1       10      6       en_US.UTF-8     en_US.UTF-8     t       t       -1      14186   479     1       1663
14186   template0       10      6       en_US.UTF-8     en_US.UTF-8     t       f       -1      14186   479     1       1663
16407   db_xifenfei     16405   6       en_US.UTF-8     en_US.UTF-8     f       t       -1      14186   479     1       16406
[root@xifenfei recovery]# cat recovered-14187-tab_class.csv|wc -l
[root@xifenfei recovery]# cat recovered-14187-tab_tablespace.csv
1663    pg_default
1664    pg_global
16406   tbs_xifenfei


postgres=# COPY tab_class_new FROM '/data/recovery/recovered-14187-tab_class.csv';
COPY 407

postgres=# select count(1) from tab_class;
(1 row)

(1 row)

postgres=# select count(1) from tab_class_new;
(1 row)

postgres=# select * from tab_class_new 
postgres-# EXCEPT
postgres-# select * from tab_class;
 oid | relname | relnamespace | reltype | reloftype | relowner | relam | relfilenode | reltablespace | relpages | reltuples | rel
allvisible | reltoastrelid | relhasindex | relisshared | relpersistence | relkind 
(0 rows)

postgres=# select * from tab_class
postgres-# EXCEPT
postgres-# select * from tab_class_new;
 oid | relname | relnamespace | reltype | reloftype | relowner | relam | relfilenode | reltablespace | relpages | reltuples | rel
allvisible | reltoastrelid | relhasindex | relisshared | relpersistence | relkind 
(0 rows)

1. 在没有人工列出列类型的情况下实现批量pg_filedump恢复功能
2. 在pg库没有启动的情况下直接解析字典实现恢复功能
3. 实现pg数据库的批量恢复
电话/微信:17813235971    Q Q:107644445QQ咨询惜分飞    E-Mail:dba@xifenfei.com

发表在 PostgreSQL恢复 | 标签为 , , | 留下评论