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[oracle@xifenfei ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Aug 30 20:32:27 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> startup;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area  318767104 bytes
Fixed Size                  1267236 bytes
Variable Size             100665820 bytes
Database Buffers          209715200 bytes
Redo Buffers                7118848 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> create table t_xifenfei tablespace system 
  2  as
  3  select * from dba_objects;

Table created.

SQL> create table chf.t_xifenfei tablespace users
  2  as
  3  select * from dba_objects;

Table created.

SQL> delete from t_xifenfei where rownum<10;

9 rows deleted.

SQL> delete from chf.t_xifenfei where rownum<100;

99 rows deleted.

SQL> alter system checkpoint;

System altered.

SQL> shutdow abort;
ORACLE instance shut down.



[oracle@xifenfei txchecker]$ ./TXChecker 

TXChecker - v1.4 by Center Of Expertise (COE), Oracle Corporation (build 10/16/07)

Usage is: TXChecker [options]
  -a                     When scanning datafiles (with -d/-f/-l/-t options) report objects using any of the undo
                         segments (not just those with errors) (OPTIONAL)
  -b                     For objects found, print the datablock addresses. See readme for further details (OPTIONAL)
  -c<controlfile_name>   Fully qualified controlfile name to read (MANDATORY)
  -d                     Scan database for active TXs (use when undo not available) (OPTIONAL)
  -f<filename>           Scan the named datafile for active TXs (OPTIONAL)
  -g                     Indicates you want to find all blocks taking part in transactions with
                         a USN > than the USN supplied in -x<XID> parameter (same constraints as -w) (OPTIONAL)
  -l<listfile>           Scan all the datafiles listed in the listfile for active TXs (OPTIONAL)
  -m<minutes>            Number of minutes used to consider a TX as active (1-120) (DEFAULTS TO 60 MINUTES)
  -p                     Show the names and last known status of the UNDO segments (OPTIONAL)
  -s                     Skip read-only or offline normal datafiles (OPTIONAL)
  -t<tablespace>         Scan all the datafiles for this tablespace (OPTIONAL)
  -u                     Report ITL entries active if marked with an upper bound ('U' flag) fast commit SCN
                         instead if active transactions (OPTIONAL)
  -w<wrap#>              Wrap# for XID in ITL entry to report blocks where wrap# > this one (OPTIONAL)
                         Must use -x with this option. See the readme for details
  -x<XID>                XID for transaction wanting to search for (OPTIONAL)
                         Use format rrrr.ssss.wwwwwwww using Hexadecimal numbers
                         See the readme for full instructions on using -x, -w and -g options

NOTE: Options -d/-f/-l/-t are exclusive, and only one should be specified.
[oracle@xifenfei txchecker]$ ./TXChecker -c/u01/oracle/oradata/XFF/control01.ctl -d -a

TXChecker - v1.4 by Center Of Expertise (COE), Oracle Corporation (build 10/16/07)
Database Name: XFF   Version: 10.2.0

*** Database last checkpointed at 08/30/2012 20:34:43 (SCN: 0xa.0x1e142)
*** Using 60 minutes to find most active transactions (-m60)

*** Undo Segments:
USN:   0  Name: SYSTEM          TBS#:  0 File:   1  Block:      9  Instance:  0  SMU: N  Status:  3 - Online 
                                SCN: 0000.00000000   XactSQN: 0x00000000   UndoSQN: 0x00000000
USN:   1  Name: _SYSSMU1$       TBS#:  1 File:   2  Block:      9  Instance:  0  SMU: Y  Status:  3 - Online 
                                SCN: 000a.000191c3   XactSQN: 0x000000d2   UndoSQN: 0x0000013c
USN:   9  Name: _SYSSMU9$       TBS#:  1 File:   2  Block:    137  Instance:  0  SMU: Y  Status:  3 - Online 
                                SCN: 000a.000191d8   XactSQN: 0x0000011a   UndoSQN: 0x000000dc
USN:  10  Name: _SYSSMU10$      TBS#:  1 File:   2  Block:    153  Instance:  0  SMU: Y  Status:  3 - Online 
                                SCN: 000a.000191d7   XactSQN: 0x000000c1   UndoSQN: 0x000000d9
USN:  20  Name: _SYSSMU20$      TBS#:  5 File:   5  Block:    153  Instance:  0  SMU: Y  Status:  1 - Invalid / Dropped 
                                SCN: 0000.00070ec6   XactSQN: 0x00000002   UndoSQN: 0x00000001

*** Active Transactions:
USN: 6  Name: _SYSSMU6$  File: 2  Block: 89  Instance: 0  Status: 3 - Online
* Active TX at slot 6  #undo blocks: 3  Last bk: 2.90

Obj#:  51938  Name: CHF.T_XIFENFEI                                    Type: TABLE               Undo recs: 99
              Used undo segment IDs: 6 

Obj#:  51937  Name: SYS.T_XIFENFEI                                    Type: TABLE               Undo recs: 9
              Used undo segment IDs: 6 

         File (validate_objects.sql) being created for object validattion already exists
         and will be overwritten!!!
         Do you want to continue overwriting [Y/N]?y

*** Undo segments (headers) that encountered errors preventing Active TX scan:
USN:  11  Name: _SYSSMU11$      File:   5  Block:       9  Instance:  0  Error: 27 - Undo segment was dropped
USN:  20  Name: _SYSSMU20$      File:   5  Block:     153  Instance:  0  Error: 27 - Undo segment was dropped

WARNING: Analyzing the full database for active transactions will take some time!

         Are you sure you want to analyze the full database [Y/N]?
         Are you sure you want to analyze the full database [Y/N]?y

*** Scanning database for datablocks that may require undo (PLEASE WAIT...):
*** Asterisk ('*') denotes blocks being updated since 08/08/2012 03:30:32 (SCN: 0x0.0x79607)

Scanning datafile:  3 - /u01/oracle/oradata/XFF/sysaux01.dbf (SYSAUX)                           - Active TX blocks: 147 *
Scanning datafile:  1 - /u01/oracle/oradata/XFF/system01.dbf (SYSTEM)                           - Active TX blocks: 11597 *
Undo datafile (/u01/oracle/oradata/XFF/undotbs01.dbf) - SKIPPING
Scanning datafile:  4 - /u01/oracle/oradata/XFF/users01.dbf (USERS)                             - Active TX blocks: 2 *
Cannot access datafile (/u01/oracle/oradata/XFF/xifenfei01.dbf) (error 2 - No such file or directory) - SKIPPING
Cannot access datafile (/u01/oracle/oradata/XFF/xifenfei02.dbf) (error 2 - No such file or directory) - SKIPPING
Scanning datafile:  7 - /u01/oracle/oradata/XFF/xifenfei03.dbf (XIFENFEI2)                      - Active TX blocks: 0

*** Objects that may require undo data:
*** Asterisk ('*') denotes blocks being updated since 08/08/2012 03:30:32 (SCN: 0x0.0x79607)

DataObj#:  51938  Name: CHF.T_XIFENFEI                                    Type: TABLE               Datablocks: 2 *
Used undo segment IDs: 6 
DataObj#:  46434  Name: MDSYS.SYS_IL0000046432C00006$$                    Type: INDEX               Datablocks: 4 
Used undo segment IDs: 2 
DataObj#:    124  Name: SYS.I_ACCESS1                                     Type: INDEX               Datablocks: 27 
Used undo segment IDs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
DataObj#:   8824  Name: SYS.SYS_IL0000008822C00008$$                      Type: INDEX               Datablocks: 1 *
Used undo segment IDs: 4 
DataObj#:  51937  Name: SYS.T_XIFENFEI                                    Type: TABLE               Datablocks: 1 *
Used undo segment IDs: 6 
DataObj#:  51557  Name: SYS.UTL_RECOMP_COMPILED                           Type: TABLE               Datablocks: 1 
Used undo segment IDs: 8 
DataObj#:  42131  Name: XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_PROPNUMBER                        Type: INDEX               Datablocks: 1 
Used undo segment IDs: 2 

*** Use validate_objects.sql script file to validate the structure of possibly corrupt objects
    if the undo required is not available.

Undo Segment Usage Summary
*** Undo segments identified in use by active transaction datablocks AFTER 08/08/2012 03:30:32 (SCN: 0x0.0x79607):
USN:   1  Name: _SYSSMU1$     
USN:   2  Name: _SYSSMU2$     
USN:   3  Name: _SYSSMU3$     
USN:   4  Name: _SYSSMU4$     
USN:   5  Name: _SYSSMU5$     
USN:   6  Name: _SYSSMU6$     
USN:   9  Name: _SYSSMU9$     

*** Undo segments identified in use by active transacation datablocks BEFORE 08/08/2012 03:30:32 (SCN: 0x0.0x79607):
USN:   1  Name: _SYSSMU1$     
USN:   2  Name: _SYSSMU2$     
USN:   3  Name: _SYSSMU3$     
USN:   4  Name: _SYSSMU4$     
USN:   5  Name: _SYSSMU5$     
USN:   7  Name: _SYSSMU7$     
USN:   8  Name: _SYSSMU8$     
USN:   9  Name: _SYSSMU9$     
USN:  10  Name: _SYSSMU10$    

Upload the logfile (TXChecker_083012_2042_XFF.log) to Oracle Support Services for analysis.
Do NOT attempt to force the database open until the logfile has been analyzed.


[oracle@xifenfei txchecker]$ more validate_objects.sql
rem validate_objects.sql - checks strcuture of objects needing unavailable undo data
rem                        Created by findtxns program, Oracle Corporation
set echo on
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TXChecker初试》有 2 条评论

  1. 惜分飞 说:

    该工具是internal 的,不对外提供,如果需要请联系oracle支持


  2. wf 说:
